Appointments, Test Results & Contact Us
Appointments - Urgent and Routine
Community Pharmacists are qualified healthcare professionals who can help you with minor health concerns. Conditions that they can help with include:
· Sinusitis (for patients aged 12 years and over only)
· Sore throat (aged 5+)
· Earache (aged 1 year-17)
· Infected insect bite (aged 1 year+)
· Impetigo (aged 18 years+)
· Shingles (aged 18 years+)
· Uncomplicated urinary tract infections (women aged 16 to 64)
For further information click here.
CLICK HERE to request GP Appointments, Test Results & Contact Us (Medical and Admin Queries)
Please complete an online form when requesting a doctor's, nurse practitioner's appointment or have an admin query. This applies to on the day and routine doctor’s appointment requests. All nurse and health care assistant appointments will still need to be booked via the telephone.
The online request form will be available between 8am and 5pm every weekday except Bank Holidays.
PLEASE NOTE: You do not need to verify your phone number, you can select 'No, skip this step' and click on 'Continue' to then review your request.
The service may be unavailable at times due to high demand or staff training.
You are able to complete this on someone else’s behalf, for instance children or someone you are caring for.
Should you not have access to the internet, you can still call reception on either 01373 830316 or 01373 464731 and a member of the team will be able to fill this form out on your behalf.
All medical issue request forms will be reviewed and assessed by a doctor on the day. You may receive a text, phone call or be invited to come for an appointment at the surgery. Please ensure you keep your phone with you and be aware that phone calls from the surgery will display the practice number, either 01373 464731 or 01373 830316.
Test results can be requested from the Admin query form (which also includes requesting Fit(sick) Notes, repeat prescriptions or anything else admin related), or click here for test result information.
Request a Nurse or Health Care Assistant Appointment
Please contact us by telephone;
St Luke's Surgery 01373 830316
Fromefield Surgery 01373 464731
Monday to Friday 8:30am – 1pm and 2pm – 6:30pm
Extended Access - Evening and Saturday Appointments
We offer late weekday and Saturday appointments in collaboration with our Primary Care Network Practices, Mendip Country Practice, Park Medical Practice, Grove Surgery and Oakhill Surgery.
Cancel or Change an Appointment
It is important that you inform the practice if you are unable to attend your appointment, this will allow that appointment to be offered to another patient. If you persistently fail to notify the Practice that you are unable to attend, you will be sent a letter informing you that you have defaulted from your appointment and may ultimately be removed from our patient list.
You can cancel or change your appointment by:
Online Admin Query Request - Click here to submit an Online Admin Query request, a member of the Reception team will cancel your appointment
Telephone - Contact the Reception Team on 01373 830316
Text - If you receive appointment reminders by text, it is possible to cancel your appointment by reply.
If You Are Late For Your Appointment
Patients who arrive late also contribute to a clinician running late.
When you book an appointment, you are reserving 10 minutes of a Clinician's time for your problem. If you arrive 5 minutes late, you will only have 5 minutes to discuss your issue, which may be insufficient.
We therefore ask that you attend your appointment promptly, arriving at least a couple of minutes beforehand is always a good plan.
If you arrive 9 or more minutes late, you may not be seen as your appointment slot will have passed and the Clinician will move on to the next appointment. So, if your problem requires that you must see us, please ensure you arrive on time.
Please note it is at the Clinician's discretion to see you if you are significantly late for your appointment.
Home Visits
Home visits are available for patients who are unable to attend the surgery (housebound).
To request a home visit call 01373 830316 no later than 1pm so the Doctor/Paramedic can plan their visit.
When requesting a home visit, please tell the Receptionist:
- The patient’s name
- Address to be visited
- The contact telephone number
- The nature of the problem
The Doctor/Paramedic may call before coming out to visit to see if there is another way to help with the problem.

Text Message Service
Text Message Service
We have a text message service which allows you to receive confirmation & reminders about your appointments and other notifications such as flu vaccination invitations.
Please remember to update your contact details with us when you change your name, address, telephone numbers or email address.
If you do not wish to use this service, please contact us to confirm that you would like to opt-out.