Services and Clinics

Baby Clinics
Child Health Clinics
Child Health clinics are held in Frome.
The Key Centre clinic is now held on a Thursday between 9:30am and 1:30pm and is appointment only. To book an appointment parents need to contact 0300 323 0118.
There are also a set of scales available at the Key Centre which parents can use on a Tuesday afternoon between 2.00pm - 4.00pm to weigh their own babies but please note that a health visitor is not present during these sessions.
Child Health Surveillance Clinics
Babies and young children are examined at particular ages in line with Health Service schedules. These are performed by a Doctor or Health Visitor, and parents will be advised when they are due to take place. Please bring the child’s Red Book to all these appointments.
We are also working together with specialists in child health, ranging from General Paediatricians, Community Paediatricians and Child and Adolescent Mental health specialists.

Cervical Smears
Women aged from 25-49 should have a cervical smear every three years, and from 50-64 every five years.
This is a simple, quick test which can detect early changes that could lead to cervical cancer. The Practice offers a comprehensive cervical smear screening service, and all women in the above age groups will be invited when their smear is due.
The samples are now tested for Human Papilloma Virus: the nurse or the doctor will be able to give you details.

Family Planning
All doctors give general advice about contraception. They can prescribe the contraceptive pill and give contraceptive injections.
Some of the Practice Nurses can also provide family planning advice. They can provide contraceptive pill checks and give contraceptive injections.
IUCD (coil), IUS and contraceptive implant fittings require longer than normal appointments. This will be arranged with you after seeing the doctor for an initial discussion. Please make an appointment to discuss these methods of contraception and to plan the fitting or replacement. They should be checked as advised by the doctor.

Midwives from the Birthing Unit at Frome Community Hospital and the Royal United Hospital (RUH) in Bath provide care for all expectant mothers. In addition to running antenatal clinics, they work with the Health Visitors in helping to prepare couples for the birth and care of their baby.
They supervise births in Frome Community Hospital, the Royal United Hospital (RUH) and within the community, they usually visit new mothers up until the baby is 10 days old. If you are pregnant, you can book in with the midwives via your GP or directly with the midwives.
The midwives can be contacted directly on 01373 454763 for Frome and 01225 826454 for The RUH Antenatal Clinic.
Frome Birthing Unit is run by highly trained and experienced midwives, and expectant mothers who plan to deliver in Frome will have most of their antenatal care undertaken by Community Midwives. Those who are advised to deliver in the specialist unit in Bath will have some visits to the hospital antenatal clinic as well as care from the Midwife. Your Midwife will usually arrange a booking appointment at about 8-10 weeks into the pregnancy.
The Maternity Unit at the RUH have friendly teams that work in partnership with you to develop a flexible plan of care to ensure you have the services and support you need throughout your pregnancy. They want to make sure you receive the maternity health care that takes into account all of your health needs and preferences. As soon as you know you are pregnant, it is important to get in touch with a Midwife or your GP to organise your antenatal care.
Routine pregnancy tests are not available under the NHS.

Minor Surgery
Appointments for the removal of some cysts and lumps, etc, are available at Beckington and these should be made through your GP. Removal for non-medical or cosmetic reasons is not available on the NHS and strict criteria now apply.
The doctors will discuss the reasons for any procedures that they advise. Please ask them to explain further if you still have any questions or concerns.
You will be asked to sign a consent form for minor operations involving local anaesthetic – you will be given the opportunity to talk this through in detail with the doctor before signing.

Stop Smoking
We positively encourage all smokers to give up and both doctors and nurses can give initial advice.
Advice can also be found on the NHS Stop Smoking site.

Chlamydia Screening
Chlamydia is the most common bacterial sexually transmitted infection, with sexually active young people at highest risk. As chlamydia often has no symptoms and can have serious health consequences (such as pelvic inflammatory disease, ectopic pregnancy and tubul factor infertility) opportunistic screening remains an essential element of good quality sexual health services for young adults.
Further information on chlamydia is available from
We provide free tests at both of our surgeries and recommend that all men and women aged 15 - 24 living in Somerset who have ever had sex get themselves tested.